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Your President’s Ramblings

September 1, 2008 | President's Corner

What a busy September we’ve had!  First, there was our Rally in Altamont.  At the business meeting the following officers were elected:  President, Art Meier; 1st Vice President, Erika Schaette; 2nd Vice President, Curtis Wheat; Recording Secretary, Dennis White; Treasurer, Linda Hangsleben; Trustees, Betty Hutchens and Rose Ann Schwartz.  Installation will be held at the October Rally in Salem.

A certificate was presented to Jim Hutchens in recognition of the Superior Merit award the unit received this past year.  There was discussion of a unit dues increase and that item will be on the agenda for the October business meeting.  It was decided to have a rally in November at Forbes State Park November 7-9.  Please bring your rake and tarps.  The auction raised $320 for an Altamont area charity.  Attending were 17 units:  Broughton, Burrus, Doerr, Hangsleben, Heims, Humble, Hutchens, Jenkins, Keim, Mayfield, Meier, Pittman, Schaette, Schwartz, Stallings, D. White, and G. White.  Drive-ins Friday night:  Thompson and Wheat.

From Altamont, we drove directly to Brandenburg for the Region 5 Computer Rally followed by the Region 5 Rally.  We were greeted by the Thompsons, Lockins and Zoellers who were already on duty as the Welcoming Committee.  Attending:  Britt, Doerr, Erwin, Hangsleben, Hoffmann, Humble, Hutchens, Keim, Lockin, Meier, Pittman, Schaette, Thompson, G. White, Zoeller.  Also, associate members Jones and Schrader and good friends, Ken and Jo Ann Harrell (who attended the last Lincoln Caravan).

If you will not be able to attend the October Rally, Rose Ann would appreciate your mailing your dues payment to her by October 8.

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