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October Rally, Marion County Fairgrounds, Salem, IL October 10-12

September 1, 2008 | News, Newsletter, Rally Schedule

The Chuck Wagon’s a waitin’, so all you “buckaroos” put on your western attire, bridle that horsepower; hitch on to those shinny wagons and head on out to the October Round Up at the OKAY KORRAL (alias Salem County Fairgrounds), causin’ it’s round up time and thar’s a lot of goin’s on.

Iffin ya’ll want to be in on all that’s going on come on out before the “rooster crows” on Friday mornin’or just come on in Thursday evening, at any rate we’ll go a little piece up the road and take a tour of how they make those new fangled hats called “helmets” and “paddin” too; then iffin you’ve a mind to we’ll go hear about a man named William Jennings Bryan, we hear’d he was a great “talker” in his time; “chow’s” on your own; then were off to a little village up yonder way called Ingram Farms (food, flea market, craft show and some other doins’); around sunset, 7:00 p.m. we’ll be back at the OKAY KORRAL for some lite ‘freshments and a little pickin’ and grinning by that “toe tapping”, “foot stomping”,  “Boot Scooting Bob”.

Saturday morning we’ll load the “Chuck Wagon” with some vittles; thar’ll be a meetin’ and by gum we’ll have ussin’s a new President. Vittles on your own; now iffin you “Pardners” out there want a chance to show off your chili fixings and iffin you think your chili is the best, bring it on.  Now you can cook it thar in the kitchen or bring it already a simmerin’ and we’ll let all the buckaroo’s taste it and iffin it’s fittin to eat you may even win a prize and iffin it isn’t fittin’ that’s okay too, cause we’ll just throw it all in a pot and “Pot Lickin’, Kettle Stirrin’ Thompson” will keep’r hot, soins’ we all can eat it a little later. Now the hired hands at the OKAY KORRAL have a surprise for ya’all, well it ain’t that big of a deal says “Hired Hand Hutch” just a little spoonin’ and cuddlin’ down lover’s lane, with some hay thrown in!!! Ooh, what fun!!

Sunday morn, all GOD’s children gonna gather together and do a little praying and singing; then iffin ya’ll are hungry again we’ll throw a bunch of fixings’ together and chow down.

Plan to arrive on Thursday evening and participate in the Friday morning tours.

Schedule of Events

8:00 a.m.      Tour Leaves Fairgrounds for Schutts Sports (CLOSED TOED SHOES REQUIRED)
11:00 a.m.    Tour William Jennings Bryan home
Noon        Lunch on your own
Afternoon    Ingram Farms (Kinmundy) minimal charge
7:00 p.m.    Refreshments and Entertainment

8:00 a.m.    Breakfast (bring your own table service)
10:00 a.m.    Meeting and Installation of Officers
12:00 a.m.    Lunch on your own
2:30 p.m.    Men’s Chili Cook Off and Tasting
6:00 p.m.    Dinner (bring table service including bowl, drink, etc), Hayride

9:00 a.m.    Church
11:00 a.m.    Brunch (pitch in, bring your own table service drink, etc.

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