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Corresponding Secretary Notes for June

June 1, 2008 | Corresponding Secretary

june.jpgEight Southern Illinois units attended the joint rally in June:  Himes, Hoffman, Humble, Meier, J Schwartz, Stallings, D. White and G. White.  We enjoyed touring the Lincoln Museum as a group Saturday morning and then scattered for individual activities following.  Because the weather was hot and humid and the electrical capacity was low, we spent a lot of time in the shade in conversation.  It was great to get together with Lincolnland members and get better acquainted!  Gordon and I are looking forward to seeing several of them here in Bozeman.

Illness, a wedding, travel to Europe, and grandchildren’s school activities kept several others from attending the June Rally.  The first weekend of June was a very active one for our members!

During the business meeting, it was decided that the July Free Rally would be held at Fern Clyffe State Park.  Treasurer Rose Ann Schwartz announced that she would begin collecting dues in August.  Also, please let Rose Ann know of any directory or courtesy parking changes.  Southern Illinois Unit will be making a $784.00 contribution to Community Services at the International Rally, from quilt rally tickets sold after last year’s International Rally and from money contributed at church services since last July.  The  May 31 Treasury ending balance was $1043.53.

The Baylesses, Schaettes, and G. Whites each have an Airstream trailer for sale.  If you or someone you know is interested in a trailer, you could contact one of these members to learn details about their trailers.

Medical news that we know about:

Dan Mayfield has had knee surgery and is in rehab.  Max Doerr had a pacemaker implanted and is doing well.  Dick Thompson had a stent placed in a coronary artery.  Elmer Koen, Betty Hutchens, and Jerry Humble are having various medical tests and follow-up.  There are probably other members with health issues for which we don’t have current information.  Please keep me posted.

Photo: Members of Lincolnland and So. Ill Units Touring the Lincoln Museum

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