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Proposed By-Law Change

August 14, 2009 | Newsletter

Roland Keim, Constitution and By-Laws Chairman, after reviewing the Model Constitution and By-Laws from July 5, submits the following proposed By-Law change which will be voted on at the September Unit Business meeting:

Article VI.    Delegates.
Section 1.    The Executive Board shall appoint one delegate and one alternate delegate to represent the unit at the Delegates’ meeting.  The  Delegate shall be from among the officers and regular members who will attend the annual Delegates meeting of the parent organization, the Wally Byam Caravan Club International, Inc. The Alternate may be a Regular Member of the Unit represented or an Affiliate Member of the Unit to be represented and a Regular Member of a Unit within the same Region as the Unit represented.  No Delegate or Alternate Delegate may represent more that one Unit at the Delegates’ Meeting.  Any vacancy occurring following such selection shall be filled by appointment by the President.  The Delegate and Alternate should be instructed with respect to the wishes of the Unit on matters to come before the meeting.  The President and Recording Secretary shall certify to these appointments.

September Theme: Summer Travels

August 14, 2009 | Newsletter, Rally Schedule

We’ve all had a busy, travel filled summer. Come, planning on sharing your travel experiences with all. Bring those highly coveted, hard to carry, highly prized travel souvenirs; i.e. bobbing heads, cherished back scratcher, mugs, and of course the infamous rocks! Each item comes with a story of why it caught your eye, and why you chose to bring it home. We’ve all had the following conversation: “Hun, look at this rock! It’s so colorful, I just need another rock around the flower garden! Argh, it’s so heavy!” or “Hun, I’m turning down that road to see that great attraction.  Oh no, he’s lost again!”

We’re tying the Unit Rally with the Region Hillbilly Rally. So, bring some beans, carrots, corn, or other soup item for a tasty addition to Friday evening community Travel soup mix. Meat is provided. Bring some local (hometown) food item for Saturday night snacks.

Friday, Sept 11
5:30 – Supper – Community Travel Soup mix, bring your bowl and drink
7:00 p.m. – Informal Summer Travel Discussion (Betty H, bring your stories. Jim, rebuttals are acceptable!)
Snacks – Summer sampling of fruit

Saturday, Sept 12
8:00 a.m.Breakfast – Pancakes, sausage links, cereal, OJ, coffee
9:00 a.m. Board Meeting
10:00 a.m. Business Meeting
12:00 Lunch on your own
2:00 p.m. Modified boci tournament – travel rules apply
5:00 p.m. Supper – Bison roast, mashed potatoes, green beans, bread, salad
700 PM Summer Travel Trivia
Snacks – Locally made items, ice cream

Sunday, Sept 13
8:00 a.m. Breakfast – fruit cocktail, muffins, danish, donuts
9:00  a.m.Church
1100 Potluck lunch

Call if you are attending the rally:
Nugterens: 618-531-6698
Howells: 618-534-1034
Doerrs: 618-684-6772

An Unrelated item

August 14, 2009 | News

For those not attending the Region Rally, the 2009 Scott AFB Air show, Sept 19-20, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., features the Canadian Snowbirds and Army Golden Knights. The base will be wide open for admission to a great variety of aircraft on the ground and flying demonstrations. Take exit I64 exit 19A. Shuttle bus service provided from parking areas.  For more information, see