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Unit Dues

August 14, 2009 | Newsletter

It is time to pay dues for 2010.

The dues for 2010 will be $70, of which $55 is International dues and $15 is Unit dues.  Linda Hanglesben gave dues statements to members at the August Rally, and she has mailed statements to members not attending the rally.

You can pay Linda at an upcoming rally or mail your dues check to her.

Nominations for 2010

August 14, 2009 | Newsletter

Nominating committee chair, Gordon White, submitted the following slate of officers to be elected at the September business meeting:

President: Erika Schaette
1st Vice President: Curt Wheat
2nd Vice President: Dan Nugteren
Recording Secretary: Carol White
Treasurer: Linda Hanglesben
First Year Trustees:
Romaine Broughton
Norma Koen
Second Year Trustees:
Rose Ann Schwartz
Betty Hutchens

Region 5 Community Service

August 14, 2009 | Newsletter

Now is the time to stock up on food items to donate to the Meade County Food Bank during the Region 5 Rally in September.  While all non-perishable food is welcome, the director has specifically requested canned meat items.

Following last January’s ice storm, the staff found that many recipients had no electricity for a long time.  Those of us who experienced the May 8 wind storm can certainly relate to that!  Let’s help them fill up their shelves with what they need!