October 12 – 14, 2007
Marion County Fairgrounds
Salem, Illinois

If Glamour is your name, then the October Rally is your game. The Glitter and Shine Collection will be on display at the Marion County Fairgrounds October 13, 2007 in Salem, Illinois. This year the runway will be a glitter with Armani, Polo, Eddie Bauer, Tommy Hilfiger and others, to name just a few, who will be showing their latest fashions and fads. The collection consists of Casual to Glitz; Upscale to Glamorous; and our security is so extreme that we have had to hire escorts. Be sure to come and see the Darlings of the Runway, so get your RSVP’s in early to guarantee your seating.
Runway Events include:
Friday Evening Glitz
7:00 P.M. Snacks (bring drink) |
Saturday Morning’s Shine |
8:00 A.M. (bring table service) |
Saturday Noon |
On your Own |
Saturday’s Dinner Glitz |
5:00 P.M. (Bring table service and drink) |
Sunday Morning Glamour |
8:30 A.M. Church |
Sunday Brunch |
11:00 A.M. (Bring table service, drink and dish to share) |
Remember to RSVP to the Glitter and Shine Collection Coordinators for this affair:
Dick and Stella Thompson (217) 536-6663
Bob and Linda Zoeller (618) 889-0942
Jim and Betty Hutchens (618) 439-9387
Directions to the Marion County Fairgrounds: Off of Interstate 57, exit 116, go East on Route 50 to the Square, Courthouse will be on the Northeast Corner (your left), turn right on HWY 37 South, go approximately 1 mile, fairground will be on the East side(your left), Look for Signs.