Betty’s Buzz
May 23, 2007 | Betty's Buzz, Newsletter Trouble with Satellite Dish? Simple Solution: remove tree, receive reception!!!!!
What’s going on under the hoods? Whose “booty’s” were sticking out from under that motorhome hood? What is so interesting under there, a snack, pictures or what?
Note to Singles: Raise hood, draw crowd!
Who among us has only two things on his mind? What’s for lunch and are you available?? Do you think that “sweet talker” who is 95 years young would give some lessons?????? You know who you are!
There is a young lady in our group who for 10 years has been getting bids for a new kitchen, her husband says there has been so much traffic through the living room, from contractors; he is going to put a sign in the front yard which reads “Contractors Please Use Back Door Entrance”. Hmmmm
There is an on and off button on refrigerators! Electric or Gas??? Sorry just had to tell.
The? What President followed Eisenhower? Truman? You had to be there.
Speaking of buzzing, I wonder who got their toes stung.
Stay tuned to the buzzzz, who knows you may be next!!