First of all I would like to thank all of the members for their cards, calls and prayers during the passing of Betty’s father. It was a sad time for us but we are somewhat back on track.
Sorry we missed the June Rally but sounds like you all had a great time. Sounds like there was a lot of clowning going on with all those circus people in town. From the pictures I saw there were sure a lot of big noses and feet among the attendees. Thanks to Gordon and Carol White and their committee for all their hard work. Those in attendance were: Lewis and Betty Bayless, Max and Sarah Doerr, Brian and Erin Gogollek and children, Roger and Marian Hoffman, Conrad Jenkins, Roland Keim, Elmer and Norma Koen, Bill and Wanda Lockin, Art and Doris Meier, Leroy and Vera Pittman, Karl and Erika Schaette, Al and Violet Scheibe, Tim Schwartz, John and RoseAnn Schwartz, Dick and Stella Thompson, Curt and Jane Wheat, Gordon and Carol White, Bob and Linda Zoeller.
Sounds as though we really missed a good time at International in Perry, GA. I would like to thank Gordon and Carol White for stepping up to the plate in our abscence and doing a splendid job. Our hats off to you both. I would also like to thank the Southern Illinois Unit members who were at Perry, GA for donating their time to help with the “Common Cents for Kids Project,” which was selling tickets for the quilt raffle. There was over $680.00 made and donated at International. Good job!!! We still have money to donate and are still selling tickets. The drawing for the quilt will be at Region 5, in Rantoul, IL. Those attending International in Perry, GA were: Walter and Linda Hangsleben, Art and Doris Meier, Dick and Stella Thompson, Max and Sarah Doerr, Gordon and Carol White, Jeff and Gail Vail, Roger and Marian Hoffman, Bob and Linda Zoeller, Jerry and Louise Humble, Otis and Barbara Erwin.
The amendment to include Motorhomes made by Four Winds did not pass.
Now on to the July Rally! There were lots of visiting, eating and just plain ‘ole kicking back. The weather was great. We had a good turn out and Conrad did not even have to cook. We had hot dogs on Friday evening, Potluck on Saturday, Church and brunch on Sunday. Those attending were; Lewis and Betty Bayless, Max and Sarah Doerr, Jim and Betty Hutchens, Conrad Jenkins, Elmer and Norma Koen, Bill and Wanda Lockin, Art and Doris Meier, Karl and Erika Schaette, Curt and Jane Wheat, Gordon and Carol White, Jeff and Gail Vail. Roger and Marian Hoffman and Roland Keim drove in for the day on Saturday; Elmer and Norma Koen’s Son and family joined us as did our Son and his family. It is such a nice park and we were very fortunate to get it on short notice.
Well I hope this has caught us up to date! Looking forward to seeing you all at the Homecoming Rally August 10th thru 12th, at Ramsey State Park, Ramsey, IL.