Man what a rally. We had wonderful weather and a great crowd. Those of you who could not attend missed out on a great rally. The shoe escapade brought lots of laughs and gave us an idea of what was ahead for the weekend. The Glitter and Shine Collection will have us reminiscing for sometime to come.
The models and their ESCORTS were unlike anything I had seen. Why I didn’t know we had such a diversified lot. The models wore varied and unusual attire; there was fashions for every type of event such as; golf wear, spring wear, and dinner jackets; bridal attire, Fancy Pants, a double breasted suit, pin stripe suit and we even had snow a tire. I’m telling you the designers did an outstanding job and should be commended on their creations. Although I’m not sure just how the city of Salem would feel about the escorts! As we had flappers, floozies (both high and low). Some glittered and shined and some were the devilish kind.
Hats off to Stella Thompson for thinking of this and for all the hard work she put into being master of ceremonies and creating such a production. Those modeling the designer wear were; Dick Thompson, Dennis White, Jerry Humble, Bob Zoeller, Jim Wagner, Art Meier, Karl Schaette and Roland Keim. Roland, I hope you weren’t too embarrassed as I just can’t control her! Floozies for the evenings entertainment were; Stella Thompson , EdnaWhite, Louise Humbel, Linda Zoeller, Jo Ann Wagner, Doris Meier, Erika Schaette and Betty Hutchens. I played the old man writing the letter, I sure enjoyed it and hope you all did too. I think the models and floozies in back getting ready for their walk on the runway had as much fun as the audience did watching them. Also thanks to Roger Hoffman for introducing Ms. Stella. The committee consisted of Dick and Stella Thompson, Bob and Linda Zoeller and Jim and Betty Hutchens. I had to wear a lot of different hats during the weekend and the committee continued on, so thanks guys for all you did to make the rally a success.
We had a very impressive installation ceremony with our own Louise Humbel, 2nd Vice President of Region 5 and her Mate Jerry presiding over the proceedings. It was formal and impressive and it really brings home what it means to be a leader and an officer in the unit. Thanks Louise and Jerry for a job well done. Our incoming President Gordon White and Treasurer Rose Ann Schwartz were unable to attend the installation ceremony; therefore they will be sworn in at the Christmas Party which will be held at the Holiday Inn, Mt. Vernon, IL. Come and support your new president.
Also Dick and Stella Thompson was recognized as mentors for Phil and Linda Stalling. Marilyn Groh is now a member of our unit, give her a big welcome.We were very pleased with the Marion County Fairgrounds. We hope all enjoyed it as much as we did. There were 23 units in attendance; the Gogollek’s drove in on Friday and Saturday, also Marilyn Groh had a visitor on Sunday. Those in attendance were; Broughton, Daniel, Groner, Hoffman, Howell, Humble, Hutchens, Jenkins, Keeser, Keim, Koen, Mayfield, Meier, Pittman, Schaette, Stalling, Thompson, Wagner, Wheat, White D, Zoeller, Ryan and Groh.
See ya down the road