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Together Again April Rally

March 21, 2008 | Rally Schedule

Directions:  State Route 3 from North or South, turn west on Route 156 to the Monroe Country Fairgrounds on the north side of the highway.  From the East, follow 156 through Waterloo.

Friday, April 18
5:00-5:45pm Chili and sandwiches will be served.  Bring table service and drink. So, if you are not here by 5:00, try and join us by 5:45

7:00pm Social Hour.   Some entertainment but lots of conversation since we have not seen each other for a while.  Snack follows

Saturday, April 19
7:00am Coffee is ready

8:00am Breakfast is ready.  Bring table service and drink.

9:00am Executive Committee Meeting

10:00am Business Meeting

Lunch is on your own

Saturday Afternoon Activities:
If you want to attend a flea market, this is the weekend for the Metro East Flea Market at Belleville.  It is advertised as the biggest in the St. Louis area. Map will be provided

If you want to stay closer to Waterloo, we will also meet at 1:00 for a trip to a local museum.

5:30pm Dinner is served.  Bring table service and drink.
7:00pm Entertainment.  Snacks will follow.

Sunday, April 20
7:30am Coffee is ready.  Enjoy a breakfast treat

8:30am Church service

11:00am Brunch.  Please bring a dish to serve and your table service and drink

Have a safe trip home.

Please call and let one of the committee members know that you are coming.

Roger and Marian Hoffmann  618 534 1034
Roland Keim 618 457 5238
Al and Vi Scheibe 618 939 1954
Art and Doris Meier 618 493 6204 or cell 618 322 8246

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