Corresponding Secretary’s notes:
November 23, 2009 | NewsDespite all of the rain, thirteen units enjoyed the October rally. We all found a solid space to park and by Saturday the weather had cleared and was nice. Max and Sarah Doerr, Walter and Linda Hangsleben and Linda’s sister Judy from California, Bud and Sheila Himes, Roger and Marian Hoffmann, Conrad Jenkins, Norma Koen, Art and Doris Meier, Bob and Lee Moyers, Jim Ryan, Karl and Erika Schaette, John and Rose Ann Schwartz, Curt and Jane Wheat and Dennis and Edna White were present. Roland Kiem and friend, Ginny Smith, Dan and Rose Nugteren, Dwight and Marilyn Burrus, Kaye Ryan and granddaughter Kaelynn Powers and friend, Ricardo Prado from Sao Paulo, Brazil were drive ins during the weekend. The committee, Karl, Erika, John, Rose Ann and Jim did a great job of cooking some German food. Bob, President of Region 5, and Lee did the installation of our new officers. We want to congratulate Erika and her new officers.
Another second generation family has joined our unit, Jeff and Susan Mason. Susan is the daughter of Richard and Frankie Howell. We welcome them.
Art and I would like to thank Gordon for a nice job of writing the newsletter this past year. Also, we want to thank Erika, Curt, Dennis, Linda and the trustees for helping us to make it a successful year. Thanks to all the rally committees for the work on the rallies. It does take everyone working together to make a success.
Doris Meier
Corresponding Secretary