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November President’s Corner

November 24, 2008 | President's Corner

Once more Doris and I wish to thank you for putting your trust in us to lead the club for the next year. We can only promise to give it our best shot. Please don’t forget, what makes the club is YOU.

The Meiers had a great time on the 2008 Maple Leaf Caravan except for one thing, missing out on so many unit rallies. We always look forward to good times with our Airstream family, but it’s never the very best of times if YOU aren’t there. Yes, we have heard all the reasons and we understand the restrictions we all face but please, let us see YOU in 2009. That’s what we are all about!

Again, great thanks to Gordon and Carol White for their leadership efforts in 2008. We will be trying something new this year as Gordon has consented to staying on as editor of the unit newsletter. Many units have designated editors and we want to see how this will work for our group.

With heavy hearts and a tear in our eye we have just returned from visitation for unit member Elmer Koen. Elmer finally succumbed to brain cancer on November 11. He was a great friend who will be missed. We send our condolences to Norma and the rest of the Koen family.

The Christmas party is just around the corner and the winter lunches will be here quickly. We hope to see you there, but if not we hope to “see you down the road.”

God Bless.

Art and Doris MeierPresident and First Lady

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