Christmas Party
November 24, 2008 | NewsletterThe annual Christmas party will be:
1:30 p.m., Sunday, December 7, 2008
Holiday Inn in Mt. Vernon
The cost is $16.00 per person.
If you have not yet told the Whites that are you planning to attend, at least call them at 618-529-3379 by December 1.
As in past years, we can do a community service project by contributing a toy, game, or cleaning supplies for the Adopt a Family Program of the Olney Food Pantry.
Personal Notes
Conrad Jenkins is having a hip problem and checked it out with the doctor. He was told it was arthritis and not a broken bone. Carol Treadwell continues to make progress from her surgery, but slowly. Frank Keeser continues to go to physical therapy for his toe. Walking for a distance tends to be a hard task. George Britt’s shoulder is improving. Grace Britt fell and broke her left hand. She has had a cast on her left hand for five weeks. When she fell, she also put extra strain on her left leg which bothers her.