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President’s Corner

September 29, 2007 | President's Corner

Well a lot has been happening since we last met here. We attended the September Rally and had a great time. Officers were voted on for the coming year and they are: President, Gordon White, 1st Vice President, Art Meier, 2nd Vice President, Elmer Koen, Secretary, Dennis White, Treasurer, Rose Ann Schwartz, Corresponding Secretary Carol White, Trustee, Dick Thompson and Trustee, Edna White. Thanks to each of you for agreeing to lead our unit in the coming year.
Also thanks to the committee of Gordon and Carol White, Karl and Erika Schaette and Walter and Linda Hangsleben, it was a relaxed atmosphere with games, visiting and lots of laughter which in turn prepared us for what was to come at Region 5. We had 17 units in attendance with most of them caravaning on to Rantoul on Sunday. Driving in on Friday night to visit with us were Dick and Stella Thompson and Bob and Linda Zoeller. On Saturday we had a new experience, well for me anyway, was eggs in a bag which was very tasty. We had early church on Saturday evening which is always a blessing. Sunday morning we were provided with bagged donuts so everyone could get an early start for Rantoul. It was good to see David and Barbara Daniel back as well as Leroy and Vera Pittman; it was the first outing with us for both David and Vera. Also we would like to make welcome new members Jim and Kay Ryan.

The 32nd Region 5 Rally held in Rantoul, Illinois was a success due in part to the Southern Illinois Unit 039. Our unit had 23 trailers in attendance which was 46% of our membership. Those in attendance were; George and Grace Britt, Max and Sarah Doerr, Brian, Erin, Paige and Jamie Gogollek, Howard Groner, Walter and Linda Hangsleben, Roger and Marian Hoffman, Jerry and Louise Humble, Jim and Betty Hutchens, Conrad Jenkins, Frank and Mary Jo Keeser, Roy and Meryl Kerley, Elmer and Norma Koen, Bill and Wanda Lockin, Art and Doris Meier, Leroy and Vera Pittman, Jim and Kay Ryan and Karl and Erika Schaette, Al and Violet Scheibe, Dick and Stella Thompson, Jeff and Gail Vale, Jim and JoAnn Wagner, Dennis and Edna White, Gordon and Carol White and Bob and Linda Zoeller.

superior.gifOur unit was honored for their attendance at the dinner on Saturday evening. Also there were coordinators and workers at various jobs during the week of festivities; Greeters, Community Services, Ushers, Sound, Region Officer, Church, Devotions, The Britt’s helped with Hospitality, Computer Rally, Quilt Tickets, Master of Ceremonies, Flags and Entertainment (both at the beginning and end), need I say more!!!! I apologize if I have left off a job description. I, as a member and as your President, am so very proud of each of you for all that you contribute to this unit. Past President John W. Schwartz and First Mate Rose Ann were honored for their year with the SUPERIOR MERIT AWARD. Hooray! Hooray! Good job!!

It was good to see Jim and Joann Wagner at Region 5. Jim it was good to see you are doing better.

We hope you all enjoyed our little “nesting” dinner on Friday evening. We feel honored that each of you chose to attend as well as our International 2nd Vice President Tom Collier and his First Mate Norma, Region 5 Officers 1st V. President Bob Moyer and his First Mate Lee, 2nd V President Louise Humble and her First Mate Jerry, Treasurer Ron Gordy and his First Mate, Region 5 Past President Bill Schrader and Past First Mate Barbara. Thank you for all your support.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the 2nd VP of Region 5 Louise Humble and First Mate Jerry for representing us as a Region 5 Officer. It takes a lot of time and commitment to do this job and do it well. The paperwork alone is a nightmare. They not only try to attend our rallies but they are on the road going to other regions and rallies. So if you get the chance to say job well done, please do so, I am sure they will appreciate it.

Well again that’s a wrap! Oh, by the way just ONE more.

Jim Hutchens

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